23 Ingenious Ikea Hacks For A Kids Room

23 Ingenious Ikea Hacks For A Kids Room

When it comes to creating a room for your child there is no better place to let your creativity run wild than Ikea. With the variety of furniture products all under one roof you can be sure to find the right combination that suits you and your children´s style. The best thing about Ikea is that the units themselves are at a great price point and the neutral, practical pieces means you can dress them up in any combination to something unique, fun and practical.

When planning and designing a room for your little one it is important to consider their growth, while right now it may seem they will be small forever, they quickly grow and grow. It´s important to make sure the room will easily adapt with your child. For example while they may love peppa pig, this phase which most children go through only lasts for about a year or two and changing bedroom decor can become expensive and time consuming. Choose some neutral pieces that can be used as your child reaches pre-teens, trust me, this phase will be here before you know it, so its good for some pre-planning at this stage.

The most popular item of furniture for a kids room in Ikea is the Ikea Kura and its not hard to see why coming in at $219. Its sleek pine frame with white paneling gives it a contemporary fell that matches all types of room decor. The best part about the Ikea Kura is its blank canvas means it is easily customisable to make it your own. Check out this post for 23 ways to easily jazz up an Ikea Kura bed.

A must in a kids room is the storage, kids stuff quickly builds up and you will need somewhere to put all their toys and books. The Ikea Kallax is great for this as it allows big storage compartments which you can use to keep individual toys on display or add boxes to keep the toys outside of view. The Trofast toy box is another greta item and different and you can easily mix and match many sizes to fit the space you are working with.

We have searched the web high and low for the most creative and fun combinations to give you inspiration for your children´s bedroom decor from Ikea, listing all the items used to help you plan the perfect room. We hope you find the ideas useful and it helps you on your journey to creating the perfect room for you and your child.

The Ikea spice rack does not only need to be used for spices, This is the perfect example using the Ikea spice rack for toys and books. Using the Ikea spice rack for books is a ingenious and neat way to display a few select book. Turn the last rack upside down and you get an ikea spice rack clothes rail.



The following example used The Trofast toy boxes, this is a great idea as you can never have enough storage, its incredible the amount of items your child will accumulate through gifts and day to day life, you will need somewhere to store it all. Storing high up on the walls doubles or triples your storage space and you can keep some smaller toys out of sight for toy rotation to keep your little one entertained.


The Trofast unit can also be used individually, a great idea is turning it in to a seating unit.



Loving the whimsical look the white bed canopy gives with the flower wall paper.


Turning the Kallax in to a Montessori dresser unit by adding a clothes hanging rail.

All the items used to create the sand table below were from @ikeauk and cost $50!


I grabbed an IKEA Lack £10 (currently im sure mine was only a fiver though!) and then 3 different sized IKEA uppsnogsad tubs they range in price from £1.

First I drew round the tubs onto the table, then used a rule and marked out .5inch around those markings.

Cut using a jigsaw.
Test by pushing in the trays, adjust if you need to.

The table is basically cardboard inside so if you’re going to want to either seal your tubs to the table or if ypu want to remove the tubs to clean, then use some of cuts of wood to line the void inside. I haven’t done either, I’m just waiting to see how long it lasts, so far so good.

Push your tubs into the holes and hey presto! An £14 sensory table.


Painting your wall a colour half way up makes for a sticking feature wall that looks great against the ikea Kallax.


In the next example a Minnen bed has been used, this is an amazing bed that actually expands with the growth of your child, very reasonably priced, coming in at $129. A bed canopy is a simple and quick way to add some magic to the room.


The Kallax unit here finishes off the room. This one has been customized with the addition of wooden legs. Combine with a raffia mirror and keep accessories neutral.


A desk is an important component of and child´s room, this is an amazing combinations using the Lagkapten desk at $134.99, this one has been customized with a couple of hair pin legs. A space mobile is an amazing addition for any boys room and look amazing against the bold choice of feature wall colour.


For the complete bedroom suite this following makes a whimsical combination. The Minnen bed $129.99 and Sundvik wardrobe $239,99, finishing off with some carefully selected accessories such as the bed canopy and the yellow chair.


If you have enough space in the room a little creative corner is a great idea that will allow your kids some freedom for creativity. The following uses magnetic chalkboard contact paper in the corner of this room which will allows for hours of fun.


The following room is made with the ikea kura bed. A few simple touches like the dinosaur wall mural and the cloud light add special touches.


I hope you have found the above example useful in the planning of your children´s room from Ikea. The most important element id to have fun, its a special time in both yours and your child´s life that will quickly pass, let your creative flair run wild and enjoy!


Maria Gonzalez
Maria Gonzalez

I am an art and craft fanatic, most items in my house have been upcycled and the art work is by me! I love to try new techniques and research new tips. By day I am a craft researcher and in my spare time I like to do acrylic pour paintings, make things and upcycle.

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