Which Henna To Choose
The use of black henna can offer a stunning way to create a temporary tattoo and can be a great experience for special occasions. It is vital to ensure when receiving henna or buying the mixture to do at home that you choose an all natural henna as some tyoes are based on a substance that is also used in hair dyes called para-phenylenediamine (PPD). Although this substance is illegal in the EU for use in temporary tattoos, but there may be some imports that have made it through the net.
You will also find this substance in red and orange henna as this is the way to create those temporary colour dyes for the tattoo. This is why if you colour your hair you may have had or heard of someone else have a spot test first to see if they are allergic to any of the ingredients when they visit the hairdresser.
When exposed to PPD and you have an allergic reaction you may experience symptoms similar to skin burns and even scarring, You will also increase you chances of being sensitive to products containing this substance in the future.
Since most imports of henna are from outside the EU it is vital to check the ingredients before using any type of henna and if you start to experience any type of itching when the henna is first applied its best to wash off the substance immediately.
Choose a 100% natural henna product to be on the safe side
Spot test
Before starting your full design on the skin try a spot test on a small area first, if you get an itching feeling or burning it would be safe to say you have had an allergic reaction to this type of henna and it would be best to go for another brand. Skin can slo be more sensitive just after waxing, so it os best to wait a day or so to apply the product to ensure the pore are closed completely.
Different skins give different colours, you will find the colour takes best on the palm of the hands and the longer you leave the henna on, the more the dye is absorbed in to the skin. If it dries you can add some water to the design with a piece of cotton to continue the absorption process in to the skin. After you have washed the henna product off it will continue to go darker for a day and eventually dafe and disappear.
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