Whether you are at home binge watching the handmaids tail, having a few glasses of wine with the girls celebrating Galantines day, or a romantic evening with a special partner there is always room to express a little love and romance on your nails. If you are looking for something special for your nails this valentines day then we have the solution for you.
I don’t know about you but I always have a little bit of winter blues around this time of year, so valentines day is a welcome break and a good excuse to pamper yourself, what better way than with a fresh manicure. If you have some red polish left over from the Christmas season then this is a great time to repurpose it for this special occasion. Valentines day does not have to be all red hearts though, if you are looking for something outside the box then these ideas are for you. Whether you try these designs at home or save the idea to take to your local salon, you will find a design that suits you.
80s French tip hearts – Combine diamond shaped glitter nail tips with a single hologram heart at the base for a striking look.

Subtle hearts – Add a little valentines cheer with subtle hearts on each nail

Heart tips – For something a little different than pink mix it up with purple, although these heart tips can be used with any color combination.

Sofisticated heart: Hearts don’t have to be red and pink, combine with any color combination for a little valentines cheer.

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