10 Must See Jungle Nursery Animal Prints

10 Must See Jungle Nursery Animal Prints

When it comes to choosing your nursery room decor you want a room that will work for both you and your baby. It will not be long before your baby will be able to recognise faces and animals, for this reason jungle nursery animal prints are a popular choice when it comes to choosing nursery decor items for your nursery.

When choosing decor for your nursery, choose a theme and run with it, wall prints are an elegant way to display decor in your nursery but also something your baby will love, jungle nursery wall prints adds a touch of fun and class to your babies room. It will be a hit they will love and surely they will love to point at the characters and learn their names. If you are looking for jungle nursery wall prints then we have taken a selection of the top ten to help you on your way.

These cute cartoon jungle nursery animal prints make the perfect addition to any jungle nursery

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These cute cartoon jungle nursery animal prints make the perfect addition to any jungle nursery

jungle nursery animal prints

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Adding some positive quote definitely send the right signals to your little one. Positive affirmation is everything!

jungle nursery wall prints


Can be found on Etsy

jungle prints animal nursery

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Nothing is more classic than an original painting and with these watercolour prints you really bring a luxury look to the nursery.

Water colour animal prints

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Pick your favourite jungle animals for the wall, as a rule go with either 3 or 6.



Dont forget to team your nursery prints with the perfect accessories. We love Mama Shack for this that have the perfect jungle themed nursery essentials.


Maria Gonzalez
Maria Gonzalez

I am an art and craft fanatic, most items in my house have been upcycled and the art work is by me! I love to try new techniques and research new tips. By day I am a craft researcher and in my spare time I like to do acrylic pour paintings, make things and upcycle.

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